Plesk | Problem with contact form

It’s about my site
when I test the contact form in sitejet demo mode it works and emails arrive after 15-20 minutes

but when I test it in the live version I always get an error message

Could not send e-mail

i use plesk and sitejetbuilder

Hey there,

Thanks for posting this. Since the contact form works in the Builder, that means, the issue is probably not with the form itself.

Have you tried some of the proposed solutions in other threads or this one here? cPanel | Most common contact form issues

Though it is cPanel, some info also applies to Plesk users.

Are the mail addresses configured correctly? Is PHP updated?

I tried everything, it works in the demo version, but not in the live version

  • enable allow_url_fopen
  • ensure PHP version is PHP 7.1 or higher; PHP 8.1, 8.2, 8.3 or higher
  • ensure latest Sitejet version is installed
    php ist updatedt t the latest

but what is the best SMTP settings ???
Are the mail addresses configured correctly? ??
what can i make wrong ?

Hey Anja,

so the situation is that our support with Sitejet on other platforms is limited to issues inside the Website Builder. The reason is that we neither have access to any servers, accounts or settings there nor knowledge about their setup and possible troubleshooting.

In most cases the issues can be resolved by going through the list and for example update the PHP etc. However, if that does not work, there is no other way than to contact Plesk directly to get more help.

But please keep us updated on what the solution is so we can gather this information here for future users with a similar issue. That would be amazing. :raised_hands: :blue_heart:

i have checked the logs

POST /api.php/form_container/submit HTTP/1.1

If I fill out the form live and it doesn’t work, this error is stored in the log

POST /api.php/form_container/submit HTTP/1.1

source Apache SSL/TLS access

If I fill out the form live and it doesn’t work, this error is stored in the log

POST /api.php/form_container/submit HTTP/1.1

source Apache SSL/TLS access

Yes, please get in touch with Plesk support on this matter.