cPanel | SiteJet does not send forms

cPanel SiteJet does not send forms, it is giving the errors as linked.

Site ID: 770193

Using PHP7.2
allow_url_fopen is enabled.

Please can you help?

Hey there,

does the form send entries in the preview mode? If so, please check that there is a sender and a recipient address added to the contact form. Both mail addresses need to be set up correctly of course :slight_smile:

Hello, Andre,

Thank you for your reply, yes the form sends entries in preview mode. yes there is a sender address and a recipient address added to the contact form and configured correctly. as per the attached image.

I don’t know what else to do. :sob:

please help me. :pensive:

Captura de ecrã 2024-07-18 153558

Hey there,

Thank you. So when the preview mode works and not on the live site then this might be a server-side issue. Please check the following for me:

  • enable allow_url_fopen
  • ensure PHP version is PHP 7.1 or higher; PHP 8.1, 8.2, 8.3 or higher
  • ensure latest Sitejet version is installed
  • check general SMTP settings

Regarding the SMTP settings, please get in touch with the Hoster to make sure, that the mail addresses are set up correctly. If you have done so, please let me know if that did the trick. :slight_smile:

Hello Good morning

Thanks again for your help.

I have checked all your instructions and they are correctly configured as indicated.

I have attached two error log files.

thank you and let’s try.

here is the link to the log files.

Hey there, Thank you.

The issue is that our support on these matters are very limited. Our support with Sitejet integrations is focused on the Website Builder. The tips I mentioned are gathered information from other users that have had this issue.

Since your form works on the preview and the configurations seem right, I need to advise that you contact the cPanel support on this matter. We do not have access or qualified knowledge of their system. But please keep us updated here when this issue is resolved to help others as well.

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The issue was also related to the PHP version, as soon as I updated to version 8.3 and added your tips it was resolved immediately.

So to help other members follow these steps:

enable allow_url_fopen
ensure PHP version 8.3 or higher
ensure latest Sitejet version is installed
check general SMTP settings
add the recipient’s e-mail address to the form settings, do not leave the system default (see attached image).

Thank you very much for your help, I really appreciate it.

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