Plesk | Error while sending Form

Im using Sitejet for Plesk Partners.
Image Error 1
And only got this Error
i just typed in some random Stuff and my email (censored) and when i click the Submit Button
Error Image 2

Details about the Sitejet Installation
SSL: Yes
PHP: 8.3.9

The Links are Imagur Links

Hey there,

Did you set a recipient and sender address?

Also, did you try this setting?

I disabled Email at all

in the Forms

Would you be able to elaborate, please?

Are there any emails added to the form so that there is a recipient and a sender email address?
If so, are these emails set up correctly, so they are able to send and receive an email?

I disabled Emails

Since you disabled emails for this form completely, where would you expect the entries to appear?

Oh, i think there was a Panel like in the Sitejet YouTube Tutorials

Hey there,

The Projekt Manager and the Customer Portal are only part of Sitejet Studio for now. We are asking users from cPanel and Plesk to raise this feature request with the platforms directly. :slight_smile:

I enabled the Mails, but now the error appears

but whats wrong here

Hey there,

Does the contact form work in the Preview Mode without a sender mail?

Are these mail addresses configured correctly? If you need additional help on the settings you might have to contact Plesk support. But please post the solution here as well as this solution might also be interesting for other users. You can also post your ticket number and we are able to track the process as well from our side.

If you need additional help, let us know.