Plesk | 301 Redirects on Plesk based SiteJet site

Hi pretty new to SiteJet still but I am currently working towards launching my first site which will replace an established wordpress / woo site.

In terms of 301 redirects on the SiteJet platform in Plesk there is no option from the Burger Menu as outlined in this help article …

I am presuming adding 301 redirects to a .htaccess file in the site home_directory>httpdocs will be the correct way to achieve 301s ?

Thanks in advance

Hey @Stu_Anderson - thanks for pointing to the article. I just did an update of the content as this is realized otherwise on Plesk and cPanel.

Everything regarding the domain, including the redirects are done elsewhere. This should be what you are looking for: How to create a domain forwarder in Plesk? - Support Cases from Plesk Knowledge Base

Does that help?

Hi Andre

Thanks for the reply!

No from a quick look I don’t see how this will fix the issue :frowning:

What I need to be able to is to redirect full existing URLs from WordPress to their corresponding new URL in SiteJet this is specifically more for the Blog Pages as SiteJet introduces a unique SubDirectory e.g.

Current Live List of WordPress URLS

New soon to be Live List of Sitejet URLS

Its just really best practice in my experience to add 301s when migrating from one platform to another … 301 Redirect: What It Is & How It Impacts SEO

If 301 redirects are not added the o.g. list of URLs will generate 404s for search engines like Google which in some circumstances is a major issue in terms of maintaining search engine rankings.

Cheers Stu A

Hey Stu,

yes, I agree on the 301s, but since you use Plesk, those redirects are set in Plesk and not as with Sitejet Studio.

Maybe these links help?

Just to confirm & save anyone else the confusion … the suggested solutions are not fixes … if anyone wants to do 301s redirecting from a previous to site to a new site build on SiteJet in Plesk …
Create yourself a .htaccess file and populate with the necessary redirects.


RewriteEngine on
RewriteCond %{QUERY_STRING} ^$
RewriteRule ^old-page-example-here1/$ [R=301,L]

RewriteCond %{QUERY_STRING} ^$
RewriteRule ^old-page-example-here2/$ [R=301,L]


Stu A

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Thank you Stu!