No automatical backup when opening the CMS any more?

In the past Sitejet made a backup as soon as the CMS has been opened and again during working on the project. Is this no longer the case?
So do we need to run backups ourselves in order to be save?
This is an important information for all of us.

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Hey Barbara,

We have not disabled that feature nor any report from anybody else. I also did not see any issues on a testside.

Please give me some more details like Website ID etc.

I’ve just checked several projects, which I know there has somebody worked on recently.
For example ID 724107, 346471, 353264

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I can see the same problem. In all projects that I have opened for testing. There is no longer an automatic backup when logging in.

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Can you please give me two or three website IDs?

Thanks Barbara! I have created a ticket with the Devs.

724107, 346471, 353264

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