At the moment, I have a domain name registered with GoDaddy. A website was originally hosted on Hostinger, where DNS settings were specified in GoDaddy. In Hostinger, I changed the NS records to point to Sitejet, where the website is now hosted. I managed all my emails in Hostinger for a while, and now I have just updated the name server records on Hostinger so I can use Sitejet for both the website and emails.
My NS records are quite complex in Hostinger, and I don’t need Hostinger anymore.
In Sitejet, DNS is grey, and in GoDaddy, my DNS settings are as follows:
I have lots of subdomains and a CNAME shortlink service and would like to know what is the best thing to do from now. Is it possible to change the DNS on GoDaddy and use Sitejet DNS? I can’t find them anywhere. Is my only option to transfer the domain to Sitejet to configure the name server records and replicate my Hostinger setup?
Thank you for your help.
I’m assuming that when you are saying Sitejet you are referring to Sitejet Studio (the complete hosted solution by Sitejet).
Also, I’m not familiar with GoDaddy, but if you have the domain registered with GoDaddy then the default NS (NameServers) should point to GoDaddy servers (unless you’ve changed them to point somewhere else).
So… If you use the default GoDaddy NS then you can setup/manage all the necessary DNS records there(like A records or CNAME and so on). I’ve found a video on YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BUPRQaZ7rYA
All the necessary DNS records for Sitejet to work are documented here: https://help.sitejet.io/hc/en-us/articles/24276036883735-Connect-your-external-domain-in-Sitejet
Hope this helps !
P.S. If you want to manage these DNS records within Sitejet, this can be done only if a domain is purchased thought Sitejet
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You answered my question in ps sentence. I changed dns in godaddy and will transfer the domain to sitejet when I get close to renewal date to manage everything in sitejet.
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