DNS Domain Not Connecting

Having an issue with all my websites.

DNS server is pointing correctly.

Your domain’s A record is currently pointing to To connect the domain to Siteject, It should be pointed instead to Optionally, to connect to our redundant server for added security, you may add additional A records pointing to

The A record both have the same number.

I had it point to both A records still kept having this issue. Please help.

i have spend hrs online readying different post. Nothing has been able to help resolve my issue.

dns 2021-08-19 152927

Hi! Are you using Cloudflare?
If you are using Cloudflare and the A record is configured, you should still be able to access the website through your domain name url.

Most likely you get the above message in Sitejet (in the Domain Manager area) if your A records are proxied on Cloudflare (basically Sitejet can’t verify the settings because they are “hidden” by Cloudflare).

Just make sure that those A records are not proxied (they are DNS only) in Cloudflare.

@Lucian_Dinu I’m using godaddy.

Got it! I don’t have any experience with GoDaddy.
Maybe someone from the Sitejet team can help you.

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