cPanel | My website is blank?

Might anyone know why I can view my website in Preview and Presentation modes but any other computer or phone only pulls up the banner and footer and no content??

I’ve been fussing with this site for weeks because pictures keep disappearing and re-appearing, I’ve got buttons on my main page I’ve deleted several times now but they keep returning(???) and now I’ve got confused emails from people who don’t see anything. My changes have been minimal and the Preview says it’s all fine. I’m at wit’s end, please help.

Hey @scottdagostino,

did you already publish your website? If yes, can you also share the URL to your published website and did you also publish your website again after making the changes in the Sitejet Builder?

Can you also share:

  1. which PHP version you are using
  2. which Sitejet Builder version is installed

Can you also point out which buttons are returning after being deleted?


Thanks for the help, Franzi!
My site is
I’ve attached a screenshot of what I see in the Preview (note the greyed-out buttons that will never go away – preset, I assume, but I thought it was customizable?) but only the banner appears when people click to the site.

I can’t seem to get the PHP as Canspace blocks my VPN but their site info says:

Server Information

Item Detail
Hosting Package Small
Server Name ajax
cPanel Version 118.0 (build 4)
Apache Version 2.4.58
MySQL Version 8.0.36
Architecture x86_64
Operating System linux
Shared IP Address
Path to Sendmail /usr/sbin/sendmail
Path to Perl /usr/bin/perl
Perl Version 5.26.3
Kernel Version 4.18.0-513.18.1.el8_9.x86_64

Here’s a weird wrinkle:

When I take a screenshot of my desktop screen, the site is there and still blank and the weblink is labeled “not secure” up top.

When I take one of my laptop screen, the site appears fine and the weblink has the little padlock indicator up top.

Why the difference? And is that causing the content problem?

Hey Scott,

I checked with my colleagues and we can all see the collection images - and we also all see your website is secured…so at the moment, it seems to be connected to the SSL certificate but I’m also checking with our developers.

It’s a bit weird that your website is secured when you check it on your laptop screen and not secured when you check it on your desktop screen. It should be secured in both cases - is maybe the VPN causing some trouble?

Is there a way to check the Sitejet Builder version? It should be version 1.2.0-1 and PHP should be PHP 7.1 or higher; PHP 8.1, 8.2, 8.3 or higher.

I’m experiencing a similiar issue with the blog feature. It shows in the preview; however once I publish only the header and footer show - everything blog related is just blank.

Hey LaTasha,

when you can see the blog feature in the preview, it’s likely that something with the server isn’t set up as it needs to be or that something went wrong with the publishing process.

Could you please check:

  1. What kind of Sitejet Builder version you have? Ideally, it should be 1.2.0-1
  2. What kind of PHP version do you have? It should be PHP 7.1 or higher; PHP 8.1, 8.2, 8.3 or higher
  3. Is SSL active?
  4. Do you find api.php in the document root?

Closing this thread with no conclusion and response.