Hello, I’m new here, so I apologize in advance if these issues have been mentioned and answered, but I have recently started building with Sitejet Builder (cPanel) via GreenGeeks and I have had numerous issues with my published site:
(1) My initial issue is blog related. In preview, the blog display fine. However, once published the page is blank. I have seen a few ‘solutions’ in this community - make sure I have the latest PHP (check), try to load the page with or without the “www.”, and most recently remove the published date. Removing the www. before the website name works; however, if I try to do a permanent or temporary redirect to the site without www., then I receive a 404 error. Removing the published date, didn’t help.
(2) Blog page related #3 - For some odd reason, now the header on the blog page is not loading correctly. The blog doesn’t appear at the bottom of the page, but now the top of the page isn’t displaying correctly either.
(3) Homepage not displaying correctly - Recently, the homepage began displaying incorrectly as well. I have a contained with 3 boxes that fit on 1 line on a desktop; but for some odd reason now that container puts the 3rd box on a separate line. No code was changed and no updates were made to the homepage.
Any assistance would be helpful! I want to offer SiteJet Builder to customers as an option, but its hard when I can’t keep my month old site issue free