[cPanel] Blog Posts Not Showing up on Mobile View

Hi there

Can I please have some help with my website re to my Blog Collection?
My site is www.whiskerisms.com , ID No 1027558 and I’m building via Cpanel.

I’m having an issue with my Blog displaying just on my mobile phone. I’m not able to access any other phones right now to see if it happens across the board, and I don’t really have too many tech savvy people who can test it out :(.

It all works nicely on web browsers, it shows up as working in the editor on both browser view AND mobile view (S21 phone setting), but when I view the actual website there is just white space and I’ve found since, if you click the white space it brings up the blog directory :/.

The only other problem I’ve found is with the blog, I’ve tried to make it 4 columns instead of 3 - because I thought MAYBE that it might not fit on the small screen? But when I save and publish, and re open the editor/website, it just stays as 3 columns. IE - it won’t save that setting. It’s the only time that something will not save and publish.

It would be great to get it working if possible, although the rest of the site seems to work as intended.

Hey Chantelle,

which browsers did you test this out? With S21 you mean Samsung = Android, right?

Moving this to cPanel as this might be a browser issue with Safari through cPanel.

Okay um. So little bit of testing just because you mentioned safari and it reminded me I have an Ipad to try :person_facepalming:
So I thought the layout was saved as 3 columns but now I believe it has actually been saved as 4.

It WORKS on Computer Firefox but only shows 3 columns
It Doesn’t Work on Samsung Android Firefox at all

It works correctly with FOUR columns on all of:

Ipad, Safari browser

Computer, Google Chrome
Samsung Android Google Chrome

I’m really sorry, what a great way to start a morning :person_facepalming:

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Could it possibly be caused by container hight settings?

I have forwarded this to the devs. That is indeed a weird behavior and we need to check that. Have not seen this before and it looks it might either be a cPanel issue or something that is caused by us on a cPanel site.

Hey Chantelle,

It seems to be a HTTP/HTTPS issue. On https://www.whiskerims.com it works, while on http://www.whiskerims.com it doesn’t.

I found this: Force HTTPS Redirection | cPanel

Could you check this please? Maybe that was the reason why I was unable to reproduce this.

Hey sorry for the late reply, I saw you had forwarded it! I will have a look into the http thing and see what I can do there, obviously my site is really looking for tiny ways to screw me over :rofl:.

Thanks for having a nosy into it!

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