White captcha image

I have a live website http://www.norvapor.pt/ and I only get a withe image for captcha code.
Already removed and added the form, without success.
I have a test page in Subpage - norvapor.pt tha I made today, and it’s the same.
In the design interface we can see the captcha picture, but after publishing, we get only a white image.

Hey @Duarte_Diogo are you using Sitejet with Plesk or cPanel or the Sitejet Studio (standalone version)?

Hi! I’m using Sitejet with Plesk. I made a new test site in https://teste.enfermeira.pt/ with the same template and the captcha works.

Hey @Duarte_Diogo - I am able to reproduce this on your website at least :slight_smile: . Would you be able to update to the latest PHP version first, then make a small change on the website and publish again?

Please let me know afterwards, if the error still happens.

Yes, remains the same.
I have PHP 8.2.17. I made a change to 8.1.27, and updated the site, and I’ve get the same problem.
I changed again to PHP 8.2.17, made a new update of the site and published, and the problem remains.

Hi @Duarte_Diogo, could you please enable SSL for your website and check if it works afterward?

Ups! Yes, captcha needs SSL to work. After enable SSL it works!
Thank you.

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