I have a website https://offeringhelp.org and the captcha is image is not appearing after publishing to the web. Bit in the editor preview is working fine, What did I do incorrectly? Please help. I’m using Cpanel.
Could you please update your PHP server version to the latest version and check again?
Could you please provide us the preview website link?
@Support_OfferingHelp.org works for me, when I click on the preview website link
Correct! Glad it works in the preview. That’s fine.
But we need it to work when published on the web.
Why is it working in ‘preview mode’ and not on the live website?
Please help me fix the problem, what did I do wrong to cause this?
- Support
See the screenshot, captcha image is not visible on the live website.
@Support_OfferingHelp.org It seems that there is a variable missing, can you please check if this can be resolved by publishing the website again?
I have the same problem, any solution? I’ve already checked and SSL is active.
Not working for me either
@Elitetecpva2000 and @mughal can you please share the link to the published website and the preview of the website where this isn’t working? If you don’t want to share it in the community please send the links to help@sitejet.io
If you are working with the Sitejet Builder in a panel, can you please check and share the following:
- if you have the latest Sitejet Builder version installed
- which PHP version you have installed
- if SSL is active
- if publishing the website again resolve the issue?
Hi @Franzi_Sitejet_Team I published the website again, I made the change and still no success
Please advise.
Hi @Support_OfferingHelp.org, can you please check if there is api.php
in the document root?
Confirmed .api.php exists in the document root.
api.php ( PHP script, ASCII text )
Compatible with PHP 7.1
Thank you @Support_OfferingHelp.org - I forwarded this to our cPanel colleagues because it seems to be their area Can you please share your operating system, the name of your provider and are they allowed to access your server? You can also send me the reply in a private message or via help@sitejet.io
Hey @Support_OfferingHelp.org,
the captcha image is now visible on https://offeringhelp.org/