Two Different Languages

Hi Guys, new here.
I need to create a multilingual Real Estate Website.
the regular translation System is clear to me, but i am trying for nearly 1 hour to find a way, how to have the texts from the “Real Estate Listings” in another language. How can this work?

I just dont find a way to add another translation. Only for the menu/Pages it is working for me, but not for the slugs and the content of the listings itself.

Looking forward for some help

Hey there @Lancorian80 ,

If I understand you correctly, you do have a multi language website and want to add a multi-language collection as well?

First, I would suggest that you duplicate your collection items and translate them.
Then, you need to set up a Single-Page-Layout for your language version as well.
Afterwards, you are able to add your translated collection.

If you feel you need more help, please let me know your website ID so I can take a look and assist.