Collection Woes!

Hi SJ - Still working with the two collections in this project - I copied the Collection (Featured Homes) from the Home page and put it on the Display Homes page. Then I added the fields and imported the data. However, now whenever I add an item to either collection, it shows up in the other one as well! I want to be able to have different items in each collection. Is that possible without having to rebuild a separate collection?

Hey Lisa,

Would you be able to describe to me, how you copied the collection? What were the exact steps?

When you add a field, is it also added to the other collection?

I need to try and reproduce this and see if this might be a bug or interesting feature :smiley:

I just copied the Collection from the Home page and pasted it to the Display Homes page, then set up the fields, and imported the data. I tried adding a field to the original collection and it did not reproduce on the Display homes page, but when I added a field on the Display homes page, it duplicated it on the Featured Homes collection.


Hey @Lisa_Tippette

do I understand you correctly:

Under the page Home you want to display the collection Featured Homes and under the page Display Homes you want to show the collection Display Homes?

Is it possible that both collection listing containers on those pages are still connected to the Featured Homes collection?

Or if you don’t want to make adjustments to the content but to the style of those containers it might be possible that they both have the same preset classes?

It seems that you are currently working on that website. If this isn’t one of the issue, let us know when you left the website so we can check.

Partially correct. Both collections may contain some of the same items, but not always. I need to be able to have different items in each collection. As it stands right now, they both will have the same items, but in the future, the items may change in each collection. I am not in it right now, so you can take a look.


Hey @Lisa_Tippette,

so you want to display different collections on those pages, right? Because I can see those two collections in your Collections Manager:

Now, when I check what collection is connected on the Home page I can see the Featured Homes collection:

And when I check it on the page Display Homes I can also see the Featured Homes collection:

So maybe you need to connect the Display Homes collection on the Display Homes page?

Hopefully, I understand you correctly. Otherwise, please let me know what I’m missing.

You understand PERFECTLY! I didn’t realize I hadn’t connected them to the correct collection! I’ll try that and see if it works. Thanks SO much for your help!!


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Just tried to add a new item to the Display Homes collection and it didn’t duplicate to the Featured Homes! Yay!!! Thanks again for showing me that little step to connect the collections to the right one! :slight_smile:


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Hey @Lisa_Tippette,

happy to hear that this was it :blush: