The email doesn't work

I configured a new domain (A, CNAME, MX and TXT).

The websites works but the email doesn’t. I can’t received any email or send it.

Captura de Pantalla 2021-10-19 a la(s) 17.39.40

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Hi there, did you activate the email feature in the domain manager?

Is the email correctly set up like in this article? (Add and manage email accounts - Sitejet Help)

Yeah, that’s the first thing I did

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Hey mate,

It seems that this 550 error can have three different sources:

  1. Email account doesn’t exist or cannot be detected :white_check_mark:
  2. Duplicate sender account in recipient server
  3. Misconfigured mail exchanger

I am just curious, because this all looks to be set up properly. I just created a test mailaccount and was able to send and receive various mails to and from various providers.

This points me to the next idea: Are the mail addresses and the mail feature also still active with the old domain / mail provider?

I think they’re active with the other provider. doesn’t exist in the other provider, but does

Should I cancel? How do you do it?

That actually depends. If you want to move the mails over and work with our webmailer, I recommend using the Mail Transfer Tool to migrate. When the process is done, you should deactivate the mails with the other provider.

Here is another user giving you the best way for the switch.

Hope that helps :slight_smile:

I tried transfer the emails, but fails

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Hi there Joaquin,

as this might include sensitive information, please contact us via

Pleae link to this community post and provide us with more information (settings, server details) about the mail address you like to transfer. Happy to test and support you on this.

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