Random 404 errors + non-working links in (external) preview

Project ID: 1f6fa8-5c887

I’m currently preparing a website, and I’m encountering some very strange, random bugs:

1) Links in menu don’t work
I have a custom menu (it’s not auto-generated) where I link to various sites:

Everything works fine in the preview (CTRL + P or STRG + P).

However, when I open the website in preview mode (the one that opens in a new tab with the URL 1f6fa8-5c887.sitejet.io, or in my case, 1f6fa8-5c887.my-domain.com), the links don’t work most of the time:



Even after reloading the site multiple times (and clearing the cache), sometimes it only works once before reverting to the issue on the next reload.

2) Site-URLs don’t work
Accessing the sites manually in the preview (by entering 1f6fa8-5c887.sitejet.io/sande in the browser) results in the exact same behavior: Most of the time, I get a 404 error, while occasionally it displays the actual site.

It’s important to note that not all sites are affected, only the ones that were originally sub-sites:

Actions I’ve taken that did not resolve the problem:

  • Attempted to convert the affected sites into non-subsites
  • Created new sites with the same names as the non-subsites

Hi @chedched, could you please provide us your 6-digits website ID, you can find it at the end of the URL when you are in the website builder (CMS)? Example: https://cms.sitejet.io/123456

We will check why the links are not redirecting to the correct page.

Oh sorry, I thought the ID in the URL of the preview is the website ID.

So here it is: 379015. Thank you for your help!

Hi @chedched,

you had 2 languages for this website and multilanguage was disabled for unknown reason. I enabled multilanguage for your website (More > Website Settings > Languages > enable multilanguage ).

The German menu should work now, but the English menu doesn’t look set. In case you want just one language, then feel free to disable multilanguage and delete the English version of the website.

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Thank you, Martin, for resolving this so quickly. I’m not sure how this happened, but I’m glad it’s working now.

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