Project ID: 1f6fa8-5c887
I’m currently preparing a website, and I’m encountering some very strange, random bugs:
1) Links in menu don’t work
I have a custom menu (it’s not auto-generated) where I link to various sites:
Everything works fine in the preview (CTRL + P or STRG + P).
However, when I open the website in preview mode (the one that opens in a new tab with the URL, or in my case,, the links don’t work most of the time:
Even after reloading the site multiple times (and clearing the cache), sometimes it only works once before reverting to the issue on the next reload.
2) Site-URLs don’t work
Accessing the sites manually in the preview (by entering in the browser) results in the exact same behavior: Most of the time, I get a 404 error, while occasionally it displays the actual site.
It’s important to note that not all sites are affected, only the ones that were originally sub-sites:
Actions I’ve taken that did not resolve the problem:
- Attempted to convert the affected sites into non-subsites
- Created new sites with the same names as the non-subsites