Is there a way to stay on the editing screen when I hit the button “Publish”?
Because I’m already with some collections tab opened and product description also, if I hit the “Publish” button goes to Plesk “Website & Domains” screen, and then I have to click on SiteJet Builder icon on Plesk to get back and open the SiteJet editing screen, find where I was and open all tabs again.
Using Chrome. SiteJet Version on Plesk: 1.1.1-2489
Hey there @Redondobruno - we did that actually in the beginning. Clicking on the publish button opens the website in a new tab. We changed upon popular demand. But we are happy to change your thread to a feature request and see if this is the preferred way. Let us know.
Hi @Andre thank you for your reply! This is exactly what I want, to open in a new tab (so the edit screen continue opened), but it’s not working this way. Last year when I clicked “Publish” it opened a new tab, but now is opening in the same tab, please se the screen recording: Watch Screen Recording 2024-04-10 at 09.28.57 | Streamable
Now that you mentioned I tought could be a problem with Google Chrome, updated and tested again, also tested in Safari, but still opening on the same tab. Do you have an idea what could be? Thank you.
Yes, it is actually not a browser issue. We had this changed after a lot of users wanted it the way you currently have it. That is why I would recommend opening a feature request to either let you choose or to reverse it.
Sorry, now I get it! A workaround I’m doing is: I work on the website on one Chrome window and save, and on another Chrome window I click “Publish” hehe
I will open a feature request.