Plesk | How to Publish without leaving Editing Screen

Is there a way to stay on the editing screen when I hit the button “Publish”?

Because I’m already with some collections tab opened and product description also, if I hit the “Publish” button goes to Plesk “Website & Domains” screen, and then I have to click on SiteJet Builder icon on Plesk to get back and open the SiteJet editing screen, find where I was and open all tabs again.

Using Chrome. SiteJet Version on Plesk: 1.1.1-2489

Hey there @Redondobruno - we did that actually in the beginning. Clicking on the publish button opens the website in a new tab. We changed upon popular demand. But we are happy to change your thread to a feature request and see if this is the preferred way. Let us know.

Hi @Andre thank you for your reply! This is exactly what I want, to open in a new tab (so the edit screen continue opened), but it’s not working this way. Last year when I clicked “Publish” it opened a new tab, but now is opening in the same tab, please se the screen recording: Watch Screen Recording 2024-04-10 at 09.28.57 | Streamable

Now that you mentioned I tought could be a problem with Google Chrome, updated and tested again, also tested in Safari, but still opening on the same tab. Do you have an idea what could be? Thank you.

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Hey there,

Yes, it is actually not a browser issue. We had this changed after a lot of users wanted it the way you currently have it. That is why I would recommend opening a feature request to either let you choose or to reverse it.

And yes, I am team “new tab” like you :joy:

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:joy: Sorry, now I get it! A workaround I’m doing is: I work on the website on one Chrome window and save, and on another Chrome window I click “Publish” hehe
I will open a feature request.

Thank you!

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Wonderful! :slight_smile: I am closing this thread now.