How do you disable the cookie consent popup?

My latest website is native to the US and doesn’t need to follow European cookie rules.

How do I disable the Cookie Consent Pop Up?

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Hey @Charley_Y,

thank you for reaching out with your question. This is the consent pop-up that appears in the Sitejet Builder when you edit your website, correct? So it’s not on your published website, right?

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Hi Franzi,

Yes, just the builder. I didn’t know if it was for the builder or the website, actually. I’ve never seen a pop-up like this on a web builder.

I’d like to disable the consent pop-up all together for both the builder and websites, can this be done?

And if so, how do you add the consent pop-up to a website that needs it?

Essentially, I would like to control if I see it or not on the builder or website, by me adding or removing it. Now it’s being forced on me.

Thank you

Hey Charlie,

To remove the preset that’s visible in the CMS, start by deleting the corresponding preset code from the CSS. You can do this by clicking the “Code” button at the bottom left corner of the screen.

Next, go into the CSS section and delete the preset code:

Then, remove the CSS configuration codes:

Finally, clear out the JS code by deleting everything from the start of the comment /* JS for preset “Cookie Consent Bar V2” / to the end of the comment / End JS for preset “Cookie Bar V2” */:

Adding a Cookies Consent preset is super easy. Go to the left, find the Cookie Consent preset and drag and drop it. You need to have it on all pages, so better to move it into the footer preset, so you do not need to reference it to have it on all pages. The footer preset is referenced automatically if you have it on the homepage before creating the other subpages.

I hope this helps! If you need any further assistance, feel free to reach out. I’ve built over 100 websites in SJ and know the system inside out.

You can check out some of my work on my agency’s website: (Web Design & Development Digital Marketing Agency)
