I fixed a square boxed cookie banner at the right bottom edge of a website.
When working in the CMS on any right located element, the cookie box is overlapping and disturbing.
Is there any “trick” to solve this?
If not, please take this as feature request:
Hide specific elements like cookie banner during developing phase.
Hi! I’m assuming that you are using a 3rd party script for this.
The idea is not to place this script inside <head>
area from: Website settings → SEO / Meta → Meta tags or Code → HTML, … because is executed in the Editor (as mentioned here).
One suggestion is to place the 3rd party script at the bottom of your page (within an HTML element as a <script>
tag) inside the footer or any reference that is used across the site.
This way it will no longer be executed in the Editor.
Hope this helps!
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Thanks for your quick reply.
I am using the Sitejet cookie banner.
Hi! Inside the Editor the Sitejet Cookie banner is not positioned fixed (maybe there is additional CSS added).
However, if you want to temporarily hide that element you can use a bit of CSS.
#cookie-banner-id {
display: none !important;
Hope this helps!
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