Hidden href found

This URL is being found: driving courses - Westway Driving School

It’s coming from the driving courses page.

I want to remove this but unfortunately, I am unable to find where this href is exist and how can I delete this.

@Andre looking for your response.

Hey @Ahsan_Iqbal - it seems that you would like to remove the button in the banner, but this is not viewable. This seems to be the href?

In the CSS, I am able to see that the arrow has been made hidden:

.ed-element.preset-banner-v3-default .banner-arrow {
  display: none;
  visibility: hidden;
  pointer-events: none;

Changing that would probably solve this?

I am unable to view it, can you please remove this for me. Thanks

@Ahsan_Iqbal I removed the hidden href for you

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Okay thanks.

Thanks, Martin, this hidden href is appearing on the rest of the pages on the website. Could you remove this hidden Href from all the other URLs too please?

Yes @Martin, can you please remove this from all the pages.

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Hi @Martin, any updates please or guidance on how we can do this ourselves?

@Ahsan_Iqbal @Naz_Haque I removed it everywhere.

How to fix it:

  • use the arrow keys to navigate through the elements
  • keep watching on the breadcrumbs until you see the linked icon with .banner-arrow class
  • right click on it and then delete it
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Thank you @Martin !
Very helpful.