Overlap Between Cookie Settings Icon and Navigation Arrow in Plesk Sitebuilder

“I’ve been noticing that the ‘sitebuilder’, which I access through Plesk (I’m not sure about other versions), has a gear icon in the bottom left that’s used to authorize cookies. This element that authorizes cookies accidentally interferes with the down arrow for accessing other elements, which creates confusion for users. Does anyone know if this error appears for others as well?”

Hey there,

That is an interesting find. This was caused by a configuration depending on how you access Sitejet. We moved the cog icon to the other side - let’s see if this works better :slight_smile:

It indeed looks better now, and it clears up to access the other tools within the sidebar. Now it’s on the right side, slightly overlapping with the code button, but it works better. Functionally, it no longer hinders exploration. It’s very usable now, and I’m very grateful to you.

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Thank you. Glad we could solve this quickly and I have asked to move this a bit higher up :slight_smile: