Click an image show hidden container/element?

Hi I’m trying to do a simple thing ( I think ) that is on mobile view I have a icon ( that is an image, not an actual icon ) and I want to click it and show the hidden content.

How can i do that ?

I’m very new to this website builder…

Hey there,

either try to click the element, go to “style” and under “visible” make it visible for the viewport or, if you have an issue “grabbing” that element, use the navigator to focus on that element.

If you are still facing an issue, please send me the website ID and a screenshot with which element you mean and I will try it for you :slight_smile:

Thank you for your reply Andre,

What was I trying to do was to use an Overlay. I know that now.

I’m facing another issue maybe you can help me with.

My other issue: