cPanel | Left Hand Side Menu Help

how do i remove the side menu on the left titled “my work”? ive tried everything but cant find it.

whilst trying to remove it, i managed to remove the home button top left (where ive put the red box). it was my logo which stayed on the page the hole time even when scrolling down? when you clicked on it, it would take you back to the home page.


Hello Andrew

if you want to search an element on your website, you can simply use the “Navigator”. It will show you all the elements that are on the website.

For example like this:

Regarding your logo, you can insert it again if you have deleted it and, also with the help of the navigator, move the logo inside the “menu bar”, like this:

I hope this helps :wave: :slight_smile:


thanks for the reply.

trouble is, in the builder it doesnt appear. so i dont know how to get rid of it

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Have you opened the Navigator and switched through the elements?

It looks okay now on your site, doesnt it?

i have yes, but cos its not displaying in the builder ive not been able to find it.

still showing on my site, just not in the builder

Well, if it is not in the Website Builder anymore but you still “see” it on the live website than the website has not been updated properly.

Have you tried to publish the site again?

yep, all my other updates come out fine when i publish.

seems there might be some kind of bug in the system

Hi Andrew.

I see your Chrome browser is not up to date. If that is the case, then there might be some other updates on your system pending too? I suggest start there, and work your way through until everything in your operating system is running on the latest version. Once you’re done, clear your Chrome browser of all data, if possible, and log into Sitejet and cPanel again, and see if there are any changes. Usually, this fixes things, but let us know if it doesn’t.

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Do you see the updates in the Preview Mode?

I could see the container

and I removed it for you :wink:

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just checked and chrome is up to date and no other updates waiting.

cleared all data and still no change

no it does not appear in the preview.

im making changes, adding new pages etc… and all appear when i publish. so i clearly publishing properly.