Error registering domain

I am trying to register a domain for a finished site:
1: I enter the name then “Search”, it is available
2: I click “Register domain >”
3: under domain details: all information is complete
4: So, I click “Register now liable to costs”
5: An error message slides in from the top right of the screen saying "There was an error while registering the domain: (An error occurred). Please try again.
6: I have tried quite a few times over the last 9 hours and there is no change.

HELP !!!

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Hey Errick,

would you be able to send me the domain you like to register via DM, please? I am happy to check if there is any issue with it…

Also, please provide me with the Website ID - if you like, I can try to register the domain for you in your Domain Manager and see if it works then.

/content removed

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Hey Errick,

I can confirm the error from my side. Forwarded this with urgency to our devs to check on this.

Hey Errick,

it was a simple comma in the company title :slight_smile: I have registered the domain for you.


Thank you!

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