Email Problems with IMAP and POP3

Allot of our clients are having email issues, not being able to connect to pop3 or IMAP, forwarding not working, and being log-ed out of their email from their third party emails accounts.

Is this a known problem?

Hello @Faithson_Support - we are not aware of any issues of that sort.

Since this is an issue that might include sensitive information, please send us an email with 2-3 website IDs and email addresses where this is happening. We would also need information about which tools and OS they are using, any error messages and screenshots of the settings.

Aside from that, are all clients able to at least log into the webmailer?

Looking forward to your message.

This is the same issue that we are ignoring from your “CTO Meeting” its all connected and venders see us as “Not save”

This is the same issue that we are ignoring from your “CTO Meeting” its all connected and venders see us as “Not save”

Dear @Faithson_Support ,

We have asked you for several times now to send us the specific issues you are referring to and did not yet get any information on this. Also, we would like to get an explanation about which issue you are referring, and which is connected to which issue?

We would also be very interested in your take on what a proper setup of our mails through IMAP and POP3 with external tools look like on your side? Where is this related to any security issue you are referring to that we don’t know yet?

As you might remember, we are here for you. We like to help with any issue even if they are not in our support included. However, for this we would need a proper report with more details to assist and let you know where the issues in your setup might be.

Until it is clear what the actual issue is your clients are having, we would like to ask you to refrain from any more uncorroborated allegations. Thank you.