Editor shows site in full, Preview has missing elements


I’ve been dealing with an issue where elements go missing in various containers when creating and updating a site in Sitejet. This problem persists even after publishing the site to the domain via cPanel.

Both my data center and cPanel have made several attempts to resolve this, but the issue remains. It appears to be related to Sitejet, as discrepancies are visible between the editor and preview modes with the missing elements.

We have tried multiple approaches to publish the site, and logs show that all files have transferred successfully. However, the elements still appear missing when viewing the site. Publishing via uapi has yielded the same results.

I’ve included Sitejet in a ticket with cPanel as I’m eager to resolve this issue before expanding to multiple sites. I’m sharing this here in case anyone else has encountered this problem and can offer a quicker resolution.



Hey Eri,

I think this has been posted in our dev support channel already. Is the domain something with ***events-co-uk?

HI Andre,

It may have been by cpanel but yes that sounds correct.



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This issue seems to have been resolved aber deactivating third-party scripts on the website.

Hi Andre,

This is true, but it would be great to be able to use custom third party forms that integrate with CRM systems directly, thus allowing a more positive customer journey.



This is possible in Sitejet Studio, of course. However, I do not know the reasons behind the case and for these issues. Did the colleagues say if this is tool specific or a general issue or anything? Did they rule out the use of third party forms?