[cPanel] SiteJet contact form issues updated

First of all, thanks much for the magnificent site builder, I am really impressed with the easy results (after you learn the basics)

I have other minor problems I will place in other threads for not to overwhelming the supporters, one by one.

My site ID: 1403310

O’ve read several tutorials, videos, articles and forums about this issue without a reasonable answer regards to cPanel version of

After days trying to resolve a matter about cPanel/SiteJet not sending contact form email, I found a temporary solution I would like to share.

First I was receiving a RED message that the form wasn’t sending, I upgraded the server to multiple PHP versions focused in the latest stable version 8.3 and CloudLinux PHP and it resolve the color of the message to green stating the form had been sent, however I was not receiving emails from the form at all.

I performed tests from Webmail and Desktop apps with no results, no emails received from the contact form…

I tested separately the email send/receive from internal and external email addresses and they are working all fine.

My server config:

  • allow_url_fopen: enabled

  • PHP version: PHP 8.3

  • Sitejet version: n/a

My sitejet ID: 1403310

SSL certificate renewed

All the above changes did not make the contact form to work.

Then, I inserted my email (from the same server) in the form config as a RECIPIENT, then the form messages was received like this.

The email sender is an internal server alias I’ve never saw before

Sent to MY EMAIL as recipient

With Reply to the real customer email who filled the form and the message came fine, so it is a workaround temporary solution until I am able to make the SiteJet published site to send emails as it supposed to be. The recipient supposed to be the customer who filled the form when this field is empty in the form config.

I appreciate if someone could help with a professional fix, this solution is ok for me but cannot be presented for a customer, sounds grouse.

Kindest Regards to you all

Paulo Lopes

Hey Paulo,

lets hope this post stays online :slight_smile:

Did you try all those troubleshoots explained in this post

cPanel | Most common contact form issues ?

For example adding a working sender mail?

Hi Andre, nice to meet you. super thanks for the prompt answer. Yes, I did read this post along with other dozen, let me try it right now… BINGO! it worked flawlessy. The SiteJet is extremely interesting. I have another minor questions regard to my project and better understanding the studio version. Have a nice day.

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Fantastic. So that was easy :smiley: