cPanel | SiteJet is not sending forms

We are having problems to send forms in SiteJet via cPanel and get the errors as linked :

SiteID: 656064
allow_url_fopen is enabled
not sure what version is used

Please can you help ?

Hi @Jacques_W
Welcome to Sitejet community!

According to that error, there is code in line 109 that doesn’t belong there.
I’m not sure if the api.php file is exactly the same for all contact forms in Sitejet, but mine is empty at line 109.

Would it help to delete that preset (form) and place it again?
Or, inspect your api.php in cPanel file explorer, and see if there is any code missing/changed?
Maybe there are other php files in that root folder interfering with this one?

:bulb: I find it useful to simply create a subdomain in cPanel for testing - if your host will allow that.

Do let us know how it goes.

Hi @Jacques_W could you please try to update your PHP server version? Maybe this will fix the error.