A previously discussed issue, but I’m unable to find the appropriate solution: the contact form is not sending emails from the published site (emails are sent ok when using Preview Link, as indicated in related topics)
When submitting the contents of a contact form created by Sitejet, the submission fails and you can find the PHP warnings in the following file:
in my case there is no such file create, nor any other PHP warning that I can find
What happens with the contact form in the preview mode? Does it work when you send a contact entry in the preview mode?
What would be the Website ID?
Please be aware that we can only test if the contact form works in the Sitejet periphery… if the error still persists, you definitely need to contact the technical support of cPanel.
Thanks for reply!
The form works with no errors in preview mode.
Website ID: I suppose you ask for Sitejet domain ID; I don’t know where to find it; my website was created and edited within cPanel (124.0.21).
Thank you for your time, but to me it looks like your team keeps avoiding to address the technical issue (which is not a new one, but a recurring one)…
I’ve already wasted too much time in testing SiteJet solution and for me is time to move on (actually to move back to my previous solution).
Good luck!
Well interesting… actually we have spent a lot of time on it and as it seems in your case, the contact form works fine on the Sitejet periphery. That is what has been tested and communicated in any case here.
So the issue is with the settings in cPanel which we love to help with as much as we can. Although we are not cPanel
So if you are open for it, let me know and we go through these possible troubleshooting ideas: