Cookie Bar - Preview


I’ve added a cookie bar to my website and now I want to see it in presentation mode (desktop, tablet, phone). Once I press “ok” it’s gone (obviously), but how do I get it to show again? I want to see it across all subpages and test click both options etc so I need it to come back. Opening a new presentation tab doesn’t work. Do I really need to clear my cookies everytime? There are other cookies I don’t want cleared so I’d rather not :slightly_smiling_face:

Hello Therese_A,

using Developer Tools (Ctrl+Shift+I in Chrome) you can directly remove a single cookie



Hi Theresa_A

You can also use incognito mode to test cookie bar.

You test for a page, close the incognito page, open it again and test another page.

This option is less technical.

Hope it helps you.

Best regards,