Contact form check-box html tags

Hi, I’m using the cPanel version of SiteJet Builder and encountering two issues with the Contact Form-to-Email setup:

  1. GDPR Checkbox Formatting Issue: I’m using a checkbox for GDPR verification, but in the emails I receive, the entry includes all the HTML tags used for formatting (e.g., p, strong, etc.). (See attached image.) I simply cannot get rid of them. Is there a way to fix this?

  1. Customizing Subject Field: Is it possible to include a field tag in the Form’s Subject settings? I’d like to add the visitor’s name to the email for easier identification (e.g. Web Inquiry - from Name). Right now, all submitted emails look identical.

Other than inability to do a couple of these kind of tweaks and personalization, SiteJet is rather good builder. Websites are lot faster loading than those built in standard WP.

Thanks in advance for any help!

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Hey Faruk,

Thank you for the feedback and your questions.

The HTML code is currently displayed for everyone because before that we did suppress it. But we found out that this was a security issue. A capable bad hacker could potentially load a script into that code.

That is why we currently disabled this to protect you. But (!) we are working on a solution to show you the entries in a more … let’s say … non distracting manner soon :slight_smile:

The other feature you were mentioning is not yet possible with our basic contact form. But I would love you to raise this as a feature request, as I think this might be a great addition. This way other users can vote on this too and we will discuss it in the product meeting.

Hope this helps?