Collection urls

Page: my-work/facilitation
Has collection element of facilitation collection

I want
Menu item /page:

On this page is the facilitation collection items

However the system doesn’t let me set the single page url format as the menu item still has the same slug.

The result is that a collection item cannot maintain the url path as represented in the navigation url structure.

I cant see a way around this and I am a CMS veteran (Laravel, Drupal,Joomla,Craftc,s,Wordpress)

It s a deal breaker . Any solutions?

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Looking forward to more information. :raised_hands: Happy to help out!

Is it simply not possible with site jet to control urls of collections to make a strcutured heirarchy in the url?
Menu: my-work
Page with collection ‘facilitation collection’ url ‘my-work/facilitation’
Single page url for collection : "‘my-work/facilitation/collection-item’

No matter which way around i do this sitejet will complain about duplicate urls.
It seems to me the logic is flawed that the site url for a collection shoul dbe defined in the collection not the single page. A menu should be able to have the url path of a single collection item so tjhat the url of the item ‘inherits’ the parent pathway.