How to get the Blog header image as a thumbnail while sharing a blog post link on Whatsapp?
Hi! Your Blog collection basically has to have an image field.
You can read more here:
I hope this helps.
Hi Lucian,
I have that - IdeaDeployer | Blog - Idea and Innovation Management Software and blogs shows images when shared on Linkedin and Facebook but on whatsapp it is blank.
What is wrong with my blog?
Hi! From what I can see your “featured” images (from the blog) are ending with the “.jpeg” extension and WhatApp is not “reading” the image, the supported extension is “.png” and “.jpg”.
Try to replace these images with “.png” and “.jpg”.
Hi! Here is an example with a “.jpg” image: New Look - Blog Post - LD Test 2
These kinds of tips are missing from Sitejet help. The non-technical person may not find the root cause issue ever.
Thank you!
That is why we have this community here @Suman_S It is basically not possible to implement all possibilities for all third-party tools. Especially, when Facebook with all their tools decides to change everything frequently
However, I will look into this and give my best to extend the troubleshooting on that particular issue in the help articles
Great work from @Lucian_Dinu ! I looked it up myself before you posted it, and was very surprised at first. This probably solves the questions I had for years regarding WhatsApp. Always wondered myself what WA is doing there
Hi Lucian,
I tried with jpg as well as png images but it is not working on Whatsapp.
In fact, I tried with an image from your sample blog post, that also did not work.
Additional info: I edited the Open Item Collection Template and removed the element of Image which it was picked from the Image field (as shown in the attached screen grab) as I just wanted to show the title of the blog. Could it be a reason?
Hi @Suman_S … I’ve checked one of your blog posts, and I can see the sample image being used.
P.S. I don’t know if editing the Item Collection Template and removing the Image field and putting him back has any effect. Maybe someone from SJ can take a closer look at your website
I can find that it is showing in your whatsapp preview but not in my machine. I am using Chrome browser, Win 10.
I reverted to my image. It seems I need to create blog post from the begining without touching the Template.
Hey @Suman_S - could you post one or two links for me to test this out?
Hi Andre,
It is working now even on Whatsapp.
Perfect. So maybe that was a cache related issue solved by our best friend “time”
Yes indeed!