Social media sharing buttons on blog post


How can I add social media sharing buttons on blog post please? Is there a way?

Thanks by adavance.



There’s no reply for now😐 Does that means that it is not possible?

Thanks for your help.

Hi Isabelle,

If I understand what you want, you want to add social networking buttons to a Blog post?

Once you have added the “blog” extension click on “Open collection item template”.
The CMS mode of a post will appear and you just need to add a “media icons” preset to the desired location and it will carry it over to all the posts.
Sorry for the English, I’m French



Hi David. I am french too :slight_smile:

En fait je pensais plutĂŽt Ă  un bouton pour partager l’article sur les rĂ©seaux et non juste des icĂŽnes avec des liens pour se rendre sur les pages des rĂ©seaux sociaux.
J’ai vu qu’il y a un Ă©lĂ©ment “Facebook” pour partager sur Facebook. je pense que c’est l’unique malheureusement

Merci pour ta réponse.

And in english : In fact I was thinking more of a button to share the article on the networks and not just icons with links to go to the pages of our social networks.
I saw that there is a “Facebook” element to share a post on Facebook. I think it’s the only one unfortunately

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Ravi d’échanger avec une Française :slight_smile:
La seule solution à mon avis c’est d’utiliser l’extension de ELFSIGHT “share social” et tu l’intùgre à l’article

Nice to talk to a French woman :slight_smile:
The only solution in my opinion is to use the ELFSIGHT extension “share social” and integrate it into the article


Ouaip! Mais je trouve cette solution trop chùre personnellement et le but c’est vraiment d’avoir toutes ces options en natif dans Sitejet :frowning: M’enfin! merci pour ton retour et bonne continuation.

Yup! But I find this solution too expensive personally and the goal is really to have all these options natively in Sitejet :frowning: Thank you for your feedback. Bye

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Hey @isabelle_calmont - would you like to set up a feature request in this community category? Please give us a few tools that do what you like and we are happy to forward and discuss this with our developers

Hello Andre,

Sharing buttons like facebook, pinterest, mail (sharing by mail) will be great and buttons that could be customized in the sizes and colors that we want and put where we want ideally (before, after an article or on side (below) of the page
 on an image or a video) or as a widget

As an example, Monarch from Divi proposes a lot of various options.
Some inspirations here : Monarch Social Sharing Plugin For WordPress

Not sure what could be done but it is very important that we can share our posts on social media in order to gain some trafic into our sites.

A precious strategy for web sites is to give the opportunity to people to come visit us again and again. Social media are very important for that.

Thanks for what could be done.
An only facebook button is not sufficientI think.


Ps: nothing about that but do you think it could finally be possible to have an instagram preview feed element? In another way it is a new occasion to create a link between our site and our social medias. I know there is Elfsight but I dream about a platform that has everything that I need even if it is a simple solution. Please tell me. Thanks


Wow, this is another example of how the blogging on here needs to be up to date. A Share button for all social media should be simple and there without external tools.

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Well, I bought into Site Jet hoping they would have the blog feature up to par by now as I wanted to get away from Word Press. But using INmotion hosting, they have a built in site builder and it seemed easy to do everything with it for blogging. I am a little shocked how little attention the blogging feature has gotten here. Many people earn 6, even 7 figures from having a blog, but it needs to have sharing, comments, a category list to the side, and be easy to use.

Hi James!

Yes me too very shocked about how the instagram feed, the sharing buttons for a blog post and a blog comments section are missing. Time have passed and these features are not available yet sadly.

Why having a blog if you can’t discuss with people about your expertise?

I thought that I was the only one. Thank you for your message.

Maybe it will helps making Sitejet understand there is something to be done here😔 and quickly will be the best
I lost so much potential clients regarding that. Don’t even know how to explain this reality to them. Very embarassing.

Love sitejet a lot but my clients need these stuffs for their business (female entrepreneur). The objective of a site is to enhance the trafic. The social media and blog are capital for that! The possibiloty to sharing them is non negociable in my opinion
very strange

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@isabelle_calmont & @James_Dennewitz, please feel free to create a feature request for your suggestions here: Website Builder Request - Sitejet Community

I have requested these updates before I am pretty sure.

Hey @James_Dennewitz - did you make a request in this community? Happy to check this and connect the two threads.

Yes I dis it!:wink:

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What’s the update on this 
 is this feature available or anyone found any solution 
 please advise

Here is the linked feature request. Please add your voice to this feature request:

I will close this topic for now