For Collection entry, og:image is not displayed when sharing on Facebook

I am having the problem that for pages created via a collection, Facebook does not display the og:image when sharing the post. Even if I use the sharing debugger to re-scrape the link, the image is not displayed.

For normal pages the og:image is displayed correctly - but not for collection entries.

Does anyone know about this problem? What can I do about it?

Hey Patrick -

Would you like to share 2-3 links with us to test? What does the FB debugger say? Does this error also occur on Twitter?

This seems to be the same issue as reported here:

Hi André

Attached are two links from the blog of my private site:

For both links the preview image is not loaded in the FB debugger.

Hey Patrick, I am able to confirm and will check this with our developer.

Hey @Patrick_Luescher - would you like to check this again? This might work now!

Thank you, André!

Now the image is displayed correctly.
May I ask what was the solution? Is there anything I need to do when creating Collections to make it work right off the bat?

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Hey @Patrick_Luescher - Unfortunately, you did everything right and can not do anything else :slight_smile:

The main CDN we are using for these pictures, seems to be temporarily blocked by Facebook, therefore we re-routed to another one. Our developer is on this case, and we are looking for a permanent solution.

Hopefully, we will have a solution soon!

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