This is a placeholder for the subdomain


I have created a landing page for a client and I want to launch this on a subdomain.

The normal URL is

And the landing page will be on

Now I have through the DNS settings of the subdomain converted to the A-Records how you normally launch a site.

@ (or blank) A
@ (or blank) A

This was initially successful, but now I get this message:
This is a placeholder for the subdomain.

Does anyone know how I can solve this?

Hey there,

did you check this section on how to set up a subdomain properly?

I i have now done this.
Is this correct?

Did you link the domain in the domain manager as well?

Should I still add these things?
@ (or blank) A
@ (or blank) A

Only if you like the main domain pointing to the website as well :wink: directs to . Did you set a redirect anywhere?

Yes right I accidentally redirected it.

But now I have another problem. How can I add an SSL certificate? I added the SSL on the “manage domain” page.

What happens if I create a subdomain with the hosting party and then add the SSL on the subdomain with the hosting party?
Or does this this go wrong then with the CNAME I created?

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The only thing you have to do is activate the SSL certification with a domain. The rest is done automatically by our system. Usually, the certificate is created quickly by us, but can take up to 48 hours in some cases.

Of course, we only to create SSL certificates for an URL that points to us. :slight_smile: - already has a certificate :slight_smile: