"Sticky" on Headline doesn't work

Hey guys,

I used the 2 columns and put in one the menu preset and in the other one a headline, cause I wanted the Headline on tablets and smartphones beside the hamburger menu and on desktop above the nav. All works fine.

But unfortunately when scrolling only the menu is sticked to the head. The Headline is not visible.

I tried changing the position the “2-Columns”-Preset to sticky and changed the z-index of the headline to like 1Mio to be sure that it’s in front of the menu. But after changing this nothing is sticky.

Does someone know what I´ve to change to get it work?

Big Thanks!

Hi @Leon_Vogt,

the headline is not part of the menu preset. When you shift the headline into the menu preset it will work.

When pressing shift I can’t paste it into it. I gave the hamburger 1/2 size but this didn’t work too + the menu isn’t clickable now cause it don’t have the full size. You have another solution?

@Leon_Vogt I changed the menu for you. I shift the headline into the menu preset. Let me know if you like it

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awesome, thats what I wanted! Big thank you Martin!

Just for my understanding if I have to do it next time, how did you get the headline beside the hamburger?

I selected the headline (on tablet view) and moved it (holding [ctrl] + [↓] ) into the menu preset container and inside the container I changed the flexbox settings for the main axis in the layout settings to: space-between. For your desktop menu it was easy, I just moved into the menu preset container.

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awesome, thank you for explaining me the details!

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