How to get a headline beside a nav bar (like of the image in a preset)?

Hey guys!

I want to put a headline beside my nav bar like in the normal navigation bar preset.
I deleted the image and tried to put a headline element inside the preset, but unfortunately it doesnt´t work well. My headline is not wrapping beside my navigation but under it:

Do you guys have any idea how to solve this? I tried the 2 columns preset but when putting the navigation preset inside it, the whole css getting deleted.

Big thank you and have a good weekend!

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Hi! I think one of the reasons why it wraps under the menu is because you have too many menu items.
You can specify not to wrap Menu Bar → CONTAINER (tab) → LAYOUT (FLEXBOX) → Wrap : Off

See the video below (no audio).

Hope this helps!


had to edit my comment. You were completely right with the number of nav points. I deleted auto padding and it worked. I think I will solve it with putting the headline above. Big thanks man!