Statistics - Matomo

In the past, my clients could see which state visitors were coming from. For some time now, Matomo no longer shows visitors from federal states.

A function that a customer once had, he would of course like to continue to use. What can I do, does anyone know advice?




In der Vergangenheit, konnten meine Kunden sehen, aus welchen Bundesland Besucher kommen. Seit einiger Zeit zeigt Matomo keine Besucher mehr aus Bundesländern.

Eine Funktion die ein Kunde mal gehabt hat, möchte er natürlich weiter nutzen. Was kann ich da tun, weiß jemand Rat?



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Very good question, @Frank_Joerns . Honestly, I can not remember if or when that was possible. Also, I have not found any information in their changelog yet.

But what I do know is that they did change some features due to GDPR that we had to align to. Maybe that was one of the features. Sorry, that I was not able to find a definite answer to it.

Have you thought about using Google Analytics? Or another statistics tool? If you have a few clients maybe a paid statistics tool might do the trick?

Dear Andre,

thank you for your answer.

„But what I do know is that they did change some features due to GDPR that we had to align to. Maybe that was one of the features“

That could be the reason.!!!

„Or another statistics tool? If you have a few clients maybe a paid statistics tool might do the trick?“

That would be one way. It’s just that when I convince a client that SiteJet is the right CMS (most of them ask if I work with wordpress) I highlight the advantages of SiteJet. This includes me saying. There is already an integrated statistics module.

If then a feature is omitted there, the customer has the feeling it is taken away from him something he has paid for.

Then it doesn’t come off well when I say. For more money you get it again. :slight_smile:

So Google-Analytics may be a solution.




I see and I totally understand your point here. As mentioned before, I was not aware of any changes. Good that you pointed towards it! :slight_smile:

Totally get it, that users might feel that way. Maybe giving them the reason with GDPR could be a good way :slight_smile:

By the way, there is also a paid version of Matomo which might be a solution as well. :slight_smile: