Social Media sharing buttons (for blog post)


Could you make available this option it will be very great:

  • the option to share a blog post with someone else with buttons under the post


(Admin: Originated from here: Social media sharing buttons on blog post)



@sitejet : for the sharing functionality have a look at shariff. It would be nice to have this for all pages, not just blog posts. See: GitHub - heiseonline/shariff: 👮 Shariff enables website users to share their favorite content without compromising their privacy.


Thanks for your suggestions. Please split this feature request. Although the requests all refer to the blog collection, but they are three different requests. I would be happy to create different feature requests for all those suggestions.

It will be great to have an option for sharing blog posts on social platforms like pinterest, facebook, by mail also, etc…

It is a perfect way to make people come to our sites. Using social media for creating more trafic on our site is a very good strategy to develop our brands.

Thanks for your help.

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Hello all,

I ran into this problem with a client page and just ChatGPT how to make a button that takes the URL of the current page and place it in a button. It was surprisingly easy.

On the blog page on the bottom I just added an HTML embed with this code

<!DOCTYPE html>
    /* Optional: Add styles for the button or image */
    .image-button {
      border: none;
      background: none;
      padding: 0;
      cursor: pointer;
      max-width: 80px;
      .image-button img {
      max-width: 80px;

<button class="image-button" onclick="shareOnFacebook()">
  <img src="upload://361HvTRiVUfg9pby7xizgKZuyKt.webp" alt="Image Button">
function shareOnFacebook() {
  // URL of the current page
  const currentPageUrl = window.location.href;

  // Open the Facebook Share Dialog'' + encodeURIComponent(currentPageUrl), 'facebook-share-dialog', 'width=626,height=436');

It could probably be changed to do any social media sharing apps
Hope this helps !



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