Sitejet Website Video

Can someone point me towards an easy to follow video of some sort of a website being created end to end using the Sitejet platform.

I seem to find a a fair few Webflow step by step videos which I guess is the obvious competitor to Sitejet.

Anyone have any thoughts on Webflow ?

Apologies if there is one already in existence but I have been unable to find one. Not even on Youtube.

Thanks in advance



Hi Keno,
Welcome to SiteJet Community!
Did you tried SiteJet Accademy Video Tutorials - Sitejet

There is also a playlist defined on YouTube Sitejet Academy Tutorial: Elements - YouTube

Did this helped?


Thanks Lucian.

I did see the Sitejet Academy Tutorial, but was looking for a complete walkthrough using all or most of the elements to build a full website.



Hi! I’m sorry, I’m not aware of a video showcasing a complete website build.

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No worries Lucian.

Much appreciated.


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Hi @Ken_O and welcome! :slight_smile:

I recommend the Sitejet-Academy for a start. We do not yet have a tutorial with the complete list of elements and presets we offer. However, most of the elements and presets are pretty straight forward. But if you need any additional help with any particular element / preset, feel free to get in touch with us here in the community or via mail. :raised_hands:

Hope that helps.

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