Sitejet consultant wanted for blog creation

I haven’t created a blog before, and now I want to do it for the first time on a Sitejet website.
Since I don’t have any experience with collections and blog setup (not even with other page builders) I would like to get some help - preferably in a Zoom meeting.

The goal is to take a blog from one of the Sitejet templates and add it to the project in question. With as much copy & paste as possible.

Who has enough experience with this and would accept such a consulting (= guiding my hand, so I learn how to do it :grin:) as a mini order?

Thanks a lot

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Hallo Hajo,

ich komme aus dem Süden von München, arbeite schon ganz lange mit Sitejet und helfe dir gerne.
Lass uns doch am besten mal zoomen vorab.
Bei Interesse einfach passenden Termin aussuchen.



Super, ich melde mich per E-Mail. Bis dahin, Barbara!

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Hi @Hajo_Loeblein,

I’ve been using a nice solution for a Blog. I’ll send you a direct message.

The last reply to this topic was over 1 year ago . If you are still looking please take your time to create a new topic with the new details. /closed