RFE Expand page importer to full site / html / template import

Hello there,

We are going to use sitejet as our customers’ cms going forward, it just seems to do all the important things super well and customer friendly. So sitejet did an amazing job with that (important!) aspect of site building and client management.

However, we currently have a number of existing sites that we should move to sitejet as well. These are not very complicated sites for the most part, just html and css and some plugins like owl-carrousel.

Also, we try to accelerate the process with our clients by basing their sites on existing templates that we then modify. We collect their needs and determine the desired look and feel and try to find an pre-existing template from themeforest or similar that comes close to what the desired end result is. We then purchase that template and change as much as is needed to get what we need.

In both cases, it would be super helpful if sitejet would be able to import existing html/css/scss/sass/js from either a site that already exists or a template from themeforest or similar.

The way the current page-importer works is helpful in reducing the amount of time required to move content over, but in many cases the content is not what would take a lot of time.


Hey @Floris_van_Lint

Thank you very much for that great feature request.

Regarding your current situation, we have received your query and I will forward this to our web design. As this might include sensitive information, I assume this is the best way.

However, if there is another member of the Sitejet community that wants to support here, feel free to contact Floris!

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I am also very interested in this functionality. In my agency I have clients that I would like to manage with Sitejet. Their sites are already built in HTML, CSS and JS. Developing them again would be too time consuming. What would be the best way to vote for this feature, Andre?


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I would like to vote for this feature too. Monster ONE templates should be easy to import into a new site. Otherwise, how can all those templates be used? Copy the code page by page?

Just posting here is fine :slight_smile:

This is what I came to find. Would very much like to have you prioritize importation of templates as a high priority feature.

The poor job SiteJet does import sites is actually one of the most frustrating things about SiteJet. Here’s how I think it should work:

First, the import should start with the client page, though any functionality that’s available through the client page should also be accessible through the page builder to those people working on the sites.

Clients should be able to enter their URL, the pages on the site should then be identified in a visual site map showing large thumbnails of the pages and links between the pages.

Pages should be selected for import using a checkbox on the thumbnail of the page. To skip or remove a page, uncheck a box.

SiteJet should then step through each page selected for import as follows:

  • Graphical assets should be put into the Wishes (content/design) sidebar, not just into Media / Search / Sort folders / URL Import. Captions and Alt text tags should stay with the images.

  • It should also be possible to assign a role to a graphic. Roles should be assigned automatically where possible. [I think this means primarily connecting graphics with the text it illustrates, or as an icon (for example social media or logo, as the page’s header image, or as a divider between identified elements or sections.]

  • Text content should be kept in order and tagged by use from H1 to P and so on. (List of HTML5 Tags/Elements - Tutorial Republic)

  • Links should be designated, the text and URL shown. If a page or a site is moving from one location to another it should be easy to update all the URLs at once, for example if a company is rebranding or a designer is using a page previously done for one client for a another client.

  • Javascript, PHP, embedded SaaS, etc. also should be captured and put into code section.

  • CSS should be captured and put into a CSS section (reference to external CSS file should be specially designated, page level CSS from the header should be handled at the much like metadata in a separate block, and in-line CSS should be kept with the text or object modified).

  • Meta data and other information from the page should also be captured and assigned to roles as required.

Once imported, users ought to be able to edit text, add text, and/or remove text, maybe as easily as hitting an (x) icon to remove it.

The user should also be able to switch out images without losing the overall structure of the page. Ideally it would also be able to run license checks on each of the graphical assets to prevent any use of licenses in the download and duplication process, providing links to the images if re-licensing is necessary.

Once the images have been adjusted, SiteJet should ask the user if they want to maintain the same color scheme, or allow SiteJet to recommend a new one.

Once adjustments are complete, SiteJet ought to be able to rebuild a page/site within SiteJet, either as it was imported, or by auto-building the page using any of SiteJet’s templates.

It also ought to be possible to see the site in more than one template, to have options and to provide them to clients.

Doing it this way would also make the question about creating additional SiteJet-specific templates entirely irrelevant, since any page or site could instantly turn into a beautifully done template, whether for that company or another client or company after first switching out the content of the page.

Additional request: it would be great if AI content were also easy to upload.

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I would like to add my voice to the “better site import”

Part of bidding for a site is to migrate it over, it should be part of the ability to ‘clone’ their existing site. Certainly from specific frameworks like Wordpress or Drupal which are common with clients.

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