Hi we are migrate all websites to another server and now we see this error:
Error: Can not access Sitejet Website Builder for this domain. Please check if this domain has been migrated or restored onto another server.
how we can resolve?
Hi we are migrate all websites to another server and now we see this error:
Error: Can not access Sitejet Website Builder for this domain. Please check if this domain has been migrated or restored onto another server.
how we can resolve?
Hello there,
Are you using Sitejet Studio, Plesk or cPanel?
Hi, is plesk
Hey, Thank you. Since you are using Plesk I would like you to contact their support. The issue seems to be related to their infrastructure. Our support on Plesk is usually targeted towards issues in the Website Builder.
Please also post a possible solution when this is done to help others with that issue.
Hi, i looking that in plesk community and i confuse: