Looking for a website developer/website designer

Hello there,

I am working for a marketing company in Germany in the medical sector. I am looking for a freelance website developer/designer who can help building websites, can do troubleshooting and is capable of building responsive websites which are easy to maintain in Sitejet.

You are the one I am looking for? Feel free to contact me via e-mail felix.warmuth@conamed.de.



Hey @Felix_Warmuth, just seen this post, did you get lucky in hiring anyone? We are growing and in the same boat. Finding SJ designers is tough!


Hi there,

I have recently started to offer services to local clients (web design, development,…) mainly based on sitejet (and some other no-code tools). As I am building a client portfolio, I have some time left to spend on other projects. You can take a look at my own website www.nocode-factory.be
Might be interesting to do some subcontractor work for the time being. Fluent in Dutch, English and French and understand German (but don’t speak it fluently).

kind regards


@Felix_Warmuth you can hire our agency working with Sitejet, BrizyCloud, WordPress for more information you can check Astute Studio.

@mughal We’re an agency looking for more SiteJet developers - lets talk asap!

Hello! Just to flag that I’m happy to help out on any Site Jet projects as a developer.

I also work with the other main platforms which is likely useful when migrating.

PM me if you need anything.

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Hi, all looking for SJ designer. I’ve been using SJ for quite some time now and have a fair experience with it. I’m willing to work as a freelancer on a project basis. Thanks

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Hey Kumar - whats the best way to get in touch?

Hi @Andy_P,

you can send every user a message and share your email address:


Kumar, I would be keen to talk if you’re still offering SJ design and dev services?

Mughal, I would be keen to talk if you’re still offering SJ design and dev services?

@Jonny_Shipman please DM your requirements and we can discuss … thanks

Hi Jonny, let’s connect in DM to take this forward. Have sent you a message

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Hello there, I am a SJ Designer & developer, can you please tell if this opportunity is available?

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