Login doesn’t work

Wanted to be a client of sitejet. However, a signup was only possible via phone and since then I cannot login via desktop on any device I’ve tried so far.
Login page (partner.sitejet.io) is not available at all (checked it from Firefox, Chrome & Safari) from three different locations in Germany with random contacts and all got the same issue.(see screenshot)
The my.sitejet.io is available but login isn’t working (no account found - see screenshot).
It seems like the problem existed in the past already (Facebook sitejet group mentioned relateable problems in 2022).
I think the problem can cause heavy growth problems and probably is already causing it for a while since potential clients/users cannot onboard properly.

Hey @Simon_Rahles I have just released a short statement:

I am really sorry, that you have experienced this on your first time with us. I have just send you a mail to check if this issue is resolved from your side.

Just let me know here or via the ticket, if it has.