Integrated Client Billing

It would be great to have the ability to bill clients for website hosting through Site Jet similar to Webflow. Were you can set your price and SiteJet takes their portion and deposits the difference into the agencies bank account. This would offload backend admin of having to ensure all sites built in Sitejet have active subscriptions in another platform.


YES… this would be a TOP feature!!!


+1 would be awesome


+1 . I would love to see a possibility to easily connect the stripe customer portal for billing. So clients only need one login and can access all website-related things via the website portal. Here you can find the docs: Integrate the customer portal | Stripe Documentation


Welcome realKC

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Any news about this?
Platforms like Duda offer this and it would be really helpful for everyone who wants to do the agency model.

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Hey everybody,

This feature is indeed a fascinating one. It is not on our Roadmap for this year and we do not plan to work on this idea in the foreseeable future

Currently, our focus is on improvements and exploration of new features for the website builder like utilizing AI-driven tools to improve website creation, work on connecting users and sharing knowledge and designs, e.g. by providing options to share website (templates) and website sections across accounts. Of course, we also want to improve the handling of existing features like Collections or image editing options, etc.

However, the ideas already posted will be added to the request as well :raised_hands: Feel free to still upvote this feature and add more ideas to it.

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YES please, this would be such a time saver :raised_hands: