How can I insert a pattern

Hello all,

Can someone help me! I would like to have the pattern in a banner, which can also be set with a tick in the presets.

Many thanks and greetings

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Hi @Markus_Jorga !

Do you mean the exact pattern (crosshatch overlay) that some of the Header Presets have?

Or are you asking about a separate SVG pattern?

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yes exactly, I mean the one from the header preferences.

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Hmm…if the setting isn’t there for the preset banner, I’m not sure if it’s available.

But there may be a workaround:

Instead of ticking a box, and instead of setting a background image, **set the background to HTML.

Then, add this code:

<div class="imageBG">
    <div class="patternBG">
    .imageBG {
        width: 100%;
        height: 100%;
        background: url("[BACKGROUND IMAGE URL]");
    .patternBG {
        background-image: "[SVG CODE HERE]";
        width: 100%;
        height: 100%;

Step 1: Add that HTML background to the container/banner in question
Step 2: Build the Pattern you like on
Step 3: Copy SVG Code from Pattern Monster (Note: set the background of the pattern to transparent, and the color of the svg itself to a desaturated grey to start)
Step 4: Add desired Image url to code (you can get this from the media manager once uploaded)
Step 5: Add the SVG code to the boilerplate code above
Step 6: Add a background overlay in the editor tab to help blend the 2 together



Thanks for the detailed info :+1:


:large_blue_diamond: Moved to “Website Builder” as this is a CMS related request. :white_check_mark:

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