Re | Slider with text over image

I’m reopening this post for further clarification. When I copy the code given, where do I paste it? As well as the CSS code? Thanks for providing further assistances on this. I would also like to request a pre-made slider where this can be done automatically.


Hey Lisa,

I highly recommend not to do that if you are already unsure where to put the code.

You could either try to rebuild the slider from scratch after you have seen it in the template (copied in a test side), or, send us a mail and Martin can probably record you a quick screencast how he does it :slight_smile:

However, you can actually easily build this slider yourself. I checked with Giaco who did this template… - if you take a look at the breadcrumbs, you see that there is a content-slider preset and in there, there is a unequal-columns preset :slight_smile:

If you take a look at the CSS Code, you will find this:

.ed-element.preset-content-slider-ashop {


	padding: 0 2rem;

	.slick-slider .slick-list { border-radius: 20px; }

	.content-container {
		>.inner {
			padding-top: $spacer-container-lg*2;
			padding-bottom: $spacer-container-lg*2;
		.content-inner { max-width: 30rem; }

	@media screen and (max-width: $breakpoint-md-max) {
		padding: 0 1rem;

	@media screen and (max-width: $breakpoint-sm-max) {
		padding: 1rem 0;
		.content-container >.inner {
			padding-top: $spacer-container;
			padding-bottom: $spacer-container;

But this can also be done with the style panel. If you still face issues, send us a ticket please :slight_smile:

Could you please have Martin record a screencast of how he does it? Thank you!


I will ping @Martin here :slight_smile: He will be back next week.

Thanks, Andre! :slight_smile:

Hi @Lisa_Tippette, could you please open a new ticket on

I will then record a screencast for you.

Oka- just sent in a support ticket. Thanks!