Home Page Scrolls but now want it to be a one pager with a menu

I started this basic website to sell things. I did not choose a template but started with a blank one. I put my items one under another so my website just scrolls down. So all my items are on the only page I have which is a home page that scrolls.

Now I am thinking of having a one-page home page with a menu to choose to go to other pages or a one-page home page with the page divided into two horizontal pictures, so when I click on one of the horizontal pictures it takes me to a separate page where people can then scroll down. I will also want a Banner at the top of the second page (once the menu is clicked or the horizontal picture is clicked) and for it to stay at the top when scrolling. I think this is called a “Sticky” something ?

Can you please give me instructions on:

  1. How do I add a one-page home page with my already created scroll site with a menu to go to other pages?

  2. How to have a one-page home page with the home page divided into two horizontal pictures that when one horizontal pictures is clicked it takes me to a different page.

  3. How Big does the one-page home page have to be if I am creating a picture for the home page?

I am not sure which route I want to take.

My Web ID is: 989383

Any dumbed down instructions would be welcomed. :slight_smile:

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Hi Mona! How are you? I think this :point_up: is very important.
Once you’ve decided, someone can help you further.

The picture will be contained automatically. I suggest just play around with different image sizes and see how it behaves - you can always simply delete them and start over again. :smiley:

:bulb: Note: The general Design (see screenshot below) of your website has a container width setting, which defines how wide any content should be displayed (just like having margins in a word document). The maximum value is 100 - this means that if you upload images or text, it will have no margins to the left or right, unless it is a preset container with predefined margins. The more you fiddle with the builder , the more you will understand how it all works.

Good luck!

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Thank you, I will take a look at that! I appreciate the quick response!

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You might want to rethink your homepage a bit. If you decide to go for a multi-page site, then please start with a proper header that includes a menu. You can always change everything in the menu and even restart that section.

Like this for example (its from the wepaint template)

When the menu and logo is set, below that you add a container and two containers in it for two separate pictures. Or you just choose the 2 columns preset :slight_smile:

Each picture container can be linked afterwards :slight_smile:

All set.

Just for clarification:

A website contains of many subpages like /legal-notice , /cool-subpage, /even-cooler-subpage, /boring-imprint etc.

So that is maybe easier to use instead of one-page home page as a term.

You have / set as your site with a shop and you now want a menu added and more subpages. Here we go:

Does this help?

Hi, thank you.

I am worried that if I play around with the site that I might mess something up and not get my site up again.

How can I start with a proper header with a menu from the site I have currently without messing up my site? Sorry for being a pain:)

Hi Mona,
I understand your fear of messing up everything.

My recommendation is to copy your website so you have it in your dashboard as a separate project (a staging website basically), then build your desired changes in this copy version and when you’re done, connect the domain with the new site.

I think in terms of how the content should be structured there are a few things umportant to consider:

  • How would your customer navigate easiest on your site and through your products (usability).
  • What is your business strategy and what kind of information is needed in order to attract viditors zo buy your prodzcts.
  • Do you want to utalize SEO for your shop (so there needs to be more information about you, the process etc).

I help people with strategic decisions like this and have been building Sitejet websites for many years. So if you want personal support with this just contact me.

The issue here is @Barbara_Bichler - Mona is not using Sitejet Stuio. The cPanel and Plesk user do not have that dashboard.

@Mona_Spence you do have a backup feature that secures your website: https://help.sitejet.io/hc/en-us/articles/24276027686039-The-Backup-Manager

And I do highly recommend to start with Sitejet Studio as a trial to test a few things out before you start your real website.

Can you log into your Website Builder and let me know the number in the URL? Happy to take a look.

Sorry everyone, I was dealing with a family death.

Andre, I see that you were the last one on my site and it was completely gone. I could not edit it at all because there was no content.

I had to use the backup from November. Can you please tell me how that happened? Now I can’t remember what changes were made to it.

Hey Mona,

I do not see an empty page… you do mean 989383, right? That is the latest backup from 2.12 for me.

When we went in on our end there was no website at all. It was a blank template.

We had to go back to a previous backup.

Hey Mona,

Okay, I understand. Its difficult to retrace it now and see if this was a bug or a loading error now that the backup was used.

Is the website now working for you?